Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Little Things

This blog post is going to be a little different. Instead of talking about something that my friends and I have done such as go to the park or go downtown, I want to talk about the little things that I like to do with my friends. What helps me get through my week is every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the majority of my friends eat at the Mabee Dining Hall. While this is not a big deal, I really enjoy sitting and eating a meal with my friends. We all sit at a big table and just talk. We talk about stuff we have done and stuff we still have yet to do. Today we talked about what we were going to do this weekend for a friend’s birthday. Another thing that I really enjoy doing with my friends is watching the T.V. show Lost. It’s fun to sit together and watch T.V. and then analyze the show. Not all of us have been able to watch it every week because of sorority stuff but when that’s over, more people can watch it with us. I understand that sorority stuff takes a lot of time and I and my other friends appreciate it when the sorority girls can make time for us. But the thing that I enjoy most doing with my friends is just sitting outside Miller Dorm. and doing nothing. Sometimes we sit and talk, listen to music, or even try to get homework done. I say try because no one that I have seen is able to do homework when all of us are out there. These things are very minor compared to going downtown to the Riverwalk or going to Dallas over fall break but I really enjoy just hanging out with my friends.

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